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IT Introduction & Key information

The IT Team is here to ensure the smooth running of our IT Systems; if there is any software that you require to help you in your role then let us know via your Line Manager


How to contact the IT Team

If you have a problem with your computer hardware, phone or any company software then the best way to report this is via an email with a description of the issue sent to you will then be assigned a ticket number.  We aim to reply to you within an hour of the ticket being raised.  If the problem you are having means that you can’t email then please call the Helpdesk on 01322 357860.


Office 365

All our office-based users will have access to Microsoft Office 365 this will be installed on your laptop, your emails will be available via Outlook on your Laptop or on your Phone.  If you want to access your emails on another device, you can do this via 365 online 


Computer Acceptable Usage Policy

At Erith we have an Acceptable Use Policy for any company equipment or BYOD used on the company premises.  If you are bringing in your own device and connecting to the Erith core network, then it must have adequate anti-virus and be patched with the latest OS security patches.


Computer Acceptable Usage Policy

Company employees are expected to use their PCs and the Internet responsibly and productively and abide by the directions set down within the policy which is available to view in the policies section within the knowledge area on EZone.

Network Security

Software is installed to stay is ahead of cyber criminals and your computer will be protected by a host of security systems, but there is always the possibility that an attack will be successful, one method the criminals are using is exploiting the human factor.  Please take a moment to read the information provided below.


In 2016, cyber-crime in the UK cost businesses £30bn with 1.28 million companies being affected by some sort of computer virus attack.  Your machine is protected with Webroot Secure Anywhere, a market leader in virus protection and this will help to keep you safe online.

How to reduce the risk of getting a Virus

·         Do not open any files attached to an email from an unknown, suspicious or untrustworthy source.

·         Be careful with USB connected devices (memory sticks, external hard drives, MP3 players) as they are very common carriers of viruses. 

·         Be careful with copied CDs/DVDs as they can also contain viruses.

·         Do not open any files from web-based digital file delivery companies (YouSendIt, Dropbox) that have been uploaded from an unknown, suspicious or untrustworthy source.

·         Do not open Macro enabled Microsoft Office applications like Word and Excel from an unknown, suspicious or untrustworthy source.

·         Only use reputable software from reputable companies and contact the if you require any software to be installed on your computer.

·         When downloading free software, do so with extreme caution.

Phishing Emails

Phishing emails are more sophisticated and targeted then SPAM emails.  They are normally created to resemble the names of well-known companies, but the sending domain is slightly altered. 


Ransomware is a sophisticated form of malware that targets the files on your computer, once you are infected the malware will encrypt all your documents so that you will not be able to view or edit them.

Your documents will be locked with encryption algorithms and you will be asked to pay a ransom for a key to decrypt and restore your files.


THE BUSINESS WILL NOT pay the ransom if you are infected with Ransomware and your Hard Drive will be destroyed by us to prevent onward infection.  Make sure all your data is backed up on EZone.

How to reduce the risk of Ransomware

We have installed the latest software on your machine to keep you secure from software vulnerabilities but there is always the human element that the Cyber Criminals will try to exploit.  


What to do if you are infected with Ransomware

If you think that you have been infected with Ransomware, the first thing to do is take your machine off the company network to stop further infection to company machines and files stored on Network shares.

You can do this by; pulling the network cable out of the back of your computer and/or disabling the WiFi, by pressing the WiFi button on your laptop.  Then contact the IT Department


How to deal with risks from Spam, Ransomware and Phishing emails

·         Delete the email.

·         Check the ‘From’ address – The attacker might be using an email account that is similar to the corporate address but slightly different for example instead of

·         Don't click on any links - These links can do anything from notify the spammer that the email address is live and put you on other more targeted spamming lists or create a backdoor onto your computer and download malware in the form of a virus or Ransomware.

·         Stay Private - Remember a bank will not ask for your personal information via an email, never send your passwords or private information in emails.

·         Hover over the links - If you think the email looks legitimate but something doesn’t feel right, if the email contains links to login to a website then copy the link and paste it into google.  If the link is just text or you want to see where it will take you too, then hover over the link with your mouse to see where the link is targeting, try below.

·         Forward to – if you are unsure you can always forward the email to the helpdesk and we will let you know the best course of action to take.

·         Contact the sender – If the email feels wrong and contains a link to a site or an attachment that you weren’t expecting then if you can give the sender a call to confirm the integrity of the email.

·         If you are unsure ask the IT Department -

·         SPAM Emails – Do not click on links or run applications that are attached to unsolicited emails.

·         Do not store important documents solely on your computer, make sure they are backed up on EZone or an approved company network share or USB Device.

·         Be careful opening documents and spreadsheets that contain macros and only do this if you are sure that the source of the spreadsheet is legitimate.  Never open an attachment from a spam email or emails from unknown senders.

·         Do not install illegal software with licence cracks on work equipment.

·         Never run .exe files unless you can identify the source of the file, this includes files on USB sticks that you can’t confirm the source.

Erith Induction 2017 - 2018

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